23 Good Habits That Will Change Your Life

Today we’d like to share with you 23 habits that will help you to “upgrade” your life dramatically and change it for the better.


  1. Start learning a foreign language. Learn it every day for at least half an hour.
  2. Tidy up your room every other day and throw away all the lumber.
  3. Give up computer games. They spoil the perception of the world and turn normal people into lost ones.
  4. Completely give up fast food and other junk food. Start eating right.
  5. Do morning exercises.
  6. Teach yourself to sleep and wake up at the same time every day.
  7. Have meals at the same time – the body will say thank you for it.
  8. Sleep at least 8 hours. It is very important for health.
  9. Save money. Spare some money for the journey. Traveling to other countries is encouraged. It is better to travel on your own, without travel agencies.
  10. Just think about the good things – everything will come true! Smile more often.
  11. Keep a diary of your success. In the evenings, mark your achievements. Any achievements, even the smallest ones.
  12. Start reading the right life changing books.
  13. Spend no more than an hour a day in the Internet.
  14. Drink a glass of clean water 10-15 minutes before a meal. Drink at least 2 liters of water per day. This improves internal processes. You’ll feel better.
  15. Take care of your body. Burn fat and build muscle mass.
  16. Find pictures of your goals and stick them in a prominent place. Visualization is very important.
  17. Write down on a piece of paper all the activities that must have been done long ago and which do not give you peace of mind. Cope with them, and life will become easier. It has been proved in reality.
  18. Discard the curse words and parasite words. In general, watch your words.
  19. Do one small good deed every day. When doing good things, do not expect anything in return. The good will come back to you in a different way.
  20. Try to eat fruits, vegetables and berries each day. Replace the usual mashed potatoes and pasta with fresh vegetables.
  21. Walk straight. Mind your posture.
  22. Give up all sorts of bad habits. Smoking and alcohol cause cancer and other diseases. Why do you condemn yourself to a miserable life?
  23. Say nice words and compliments to people. It will be wonderful if it becomes a habit.
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