Sad Songs Help Heal a Broken Heart

Unhappy lovers can be healed thanks to the soothing effect of music.


Very often those who are unloved & suffering from unreturned feelings, begin to listen to sad songs. It may seem unwise to pour salt on the wound itself. But in fact, romantic people intuitively find a cure for their heart wounds. This was proved by the University of California at Berkeley, as well as KAIST Business School in South Korea and the FGV School of Administration in Brazil. According to them, listening to sad songs is the best way to handle separation with a beloved one because they have the effect of friendly support.

According to co-author of the study Stephen Palmer, emotional experience is important for our happiness and well-being. A significant role is played by the support of close friends, music, cinema, painting, and novels that resonate with your mood when you lose a beloved one.

During the experiment, half of the volunteers happened to be in various unpleasant situations and were asked to evaluate music tracks – aggressive music, joyful, sad or relaxing music. The rest of the volunteers were asked to recall a personal loss. The authors found that people preferred sad songs and tearful dramas in case of separation or loss. Aggressive music appealed to those who were upset (e.g., when being late for a meeting).

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