Stop Being Ashamed of Your Messy House

Many people are convinced that ongoing chaos and mess in the apartment may indicate certain psychological problems that can be solved only with an expert’s help. However, is it really such a serious problem? Can you just relax and stop being ashamed of your imperfect house? decided to shed light on the issue.

The guests are on the doorstep, and you are running to and fro in panic, shoving scattered things deeper into the closet with one hand and scrubbing the floor furiously with the other one. Is it a familiar situation? For some reason, many people clean up their mess when they expect guests, instead of having a regular cleaning routine at the weekends. However, that is not all. Some people even have problems in their private life because they consider their house unsuitable for inviting guests – and all because of the constant mess.

Some progressive individuals attend personal growth trainings, stick to a healthy diet and the rules of child upbringing. However, at the same time, their household is still neglected. Today we will try to understand why a messy apartment is not a shameful thing, but an issue that can and needs to be solved.

Since childhood we have been taught to clean and wash up regularly, and put our things in their places. If you don’t do it, you get a label of a “slob” or “lazybones” (it concerns mostly women). People have to live with these complexes. They stop loving themselves and their home.

Failure to maintain order does not come out of nowhere. Most likely, a person simply does not know how to properly arrange things so that they are easy to find and put back in place. Since childhood, most of us have been told that mess is a sign you are a lazy person and a poor housewife, unable to maintain family comfort. Perhaps some simply do not understand how to organize this process and avoid mess (as well as the complexes related to it).

As a result, people start feeling discomfort and quietly hate everything related to household. Perhaps they even try to pull themselves together, study special literature on space organization, watch instructional videos on sorting out things, but in vain – everything comes full circle. This happens because the problem is always deeper, and putting things from one place to another does not bring the proper result, only making things worse.

However, in most cases, the cause of a constant mess is not laziness or sloppiness, for they are already consequences. A messy house is caused by elementary technical errors, when a person does not understand the basics of ergonomics, does not know how to categorize and distribute things, how to place them correctly and how to maintain this order later.

Why is there really a mess?

We will go over with the main reasons:

  • You have too many things
  • You do not return things to their places, but leave them everywhere
  • Things are placed inconveniently, preventing you from optimizing the process

Proper organization of space usually helps to solve all these problems, and then even the biggest slobs start living differently. You can simply adjust some of your habits, and then it will be much easier to return all things to their places. You will just start doing it automatically, without wasting time on clearing the mess that came from nowhere. Try to build a system so that your home becomes comfortable, and cleaning does not take too much time (because, for sure, you will find more pleasant and useful things to do than endless cleaning).

How to turn cleaning into a good habit?

Make a step-by-step action plan for the ergonomic arrangement of things, both in cabinets and in the whole house. Be sure to consider the habits and lifestyle of the rest of the household, otherwise all your efforts can go down the drain;

Accustom yourself to getting rid of trash. If you feel that you are having difficulty with this, address specialists who will help you say goodbye to the unnecessary things that simply take up space in your apartment, without pain and guilty consciousness. After all, it is not necessary to throw them away, you can give them away or sell them on special websites.

In addition to convenience, do not forget about aesthetics. After all, it works as an additional incentive: you will no longer want to return to the mess and disrupt the organized beauty. You can, for example, use stylish organizers, baskets, jars and so on.
Learn to accept yourself and your problems. This, according to experts, is a sign of emotional (and psychological) maturity. If you have communication problems, then you will surely turn to a psychologist. If you have weight problems, you will probably contact a nutritionist and a fitness trainer. We need to admit that an inability to maintain order occurs in different kinds people, including smart and successful ones. However, you shouldn’t blame yourself for not being able to deal with your mess. Experts can help you solve this issue and adjust your everyday habits, so that they help you change your life (and home) for the better.

To sum up

To determine what is happening in your apartment – creative mess or real chaos, which needs to be dealt with immediately, you need to answer a few simple questions.

  • Are you often late for work because you can’t find the necessary things in the morning?
  • Instead of just doing, do you come up with excuses and refer to a lack of time?
  • Are your friends and family openly laughing at your mess?
  • Do you increasingly feel a sense of panic before guests arrive?
  • Do you regularly lose keys, documents, and other important things at home?
  • Do you understand that you have accumulated too many things, but you cannot part with them?

If you answered yes to most of the questions, it means that your house has long been in need of thorough cleaning and freeing from trash. The sooner you get to it, the better (both for you and your home). We hope that our tips will help you turn a hated duty into a fun process, and you will enjoy the final result.

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