Be Self-Important: The Best Self-Care Habit for Each Zodiac Sign

We take care of our kids, our spouses, and our friends. We love to do it; it makes us feel whole. It is an inherent desire that lies within each of us.

But what happens when you can’t take care of the people you love anymore? We get so caught up taking care of others that we forget to take care of ourselves.

We’ve forgotten how to be self-important.

However, to take care of others, we must first take care of ourselves.
Here’s how you can give yourself the best self-care according to your zodiac sign.


Those who fall under the Aires sign are born between March 21 and April 20. They enjoy being physical and explorative. They are people of action, rather than introspection.

Aries like to be productive. They yearn to know and feel that they are growing in whatever activity they are partaking in.

A simple, yet effective way for an Aries to give practice adequate self-care is to get out and do something physical every day. This could be going to the gym or going for a run.

If you are having trouble getting motivated, it’s okay! Sometimes, finding the right motivation is imperative!


Taureans are those who were born between April 21 and May 20. They tend to be a little on the materialistic side and enjoy making the environment around them aesthetically pleasing.

Taureans get much satisfaction from the physical things life has to offer such as great food and passionate sex. While they don’t mind getting physical, at heart, Taureans are creatures of comfort.

A gratifying way Taureans can care for themselves is by buying themselves something nice. Not everyone can afford to do this every day, however, so don’t confuse “nice” with “expensive”.

A less materialistic approach to Taurean self-care lies in the well know “Netflix and chill” expression. Find your lover and cuddle up in front of the TV with some snacks for some good one-on-one relaxation time!


Geminis are passionate, emotional people born between May 21 and June 20. They love excitement and are bored easily, giving them the tendency to appear flakey and unattached.

The most important thing to a Gemini is freedom. Freedom to be who they want, where they want, and when they want. And what Geminis want is always changing.

The best self-care Geminis can give to themselves is any form of exploration, excitement, and travel.

A Gemini would benefit greatly if they were to go on a walk or bike ride every day, specifically if they took a new route each time. However, exploration doesn’t need to be physical. As intellectuals, Geminis can get just as much out of exploring or studying a new topic of interest, as long as it’s interesting.


Those who fall under the Cancer sign are born between June 21 and July 22. Cancers have a propensity of being private and somewhat closed-off people.
They are very compassionate and sensitive people, especially with those who understand them. When others don’t understand and cater to their needs, however, Cancers tend to take it personally and keep themselves guarded.

Cancers are incredibly conscious of who they are. They don’t doubt themselves. However, when their needs aren’t being met, they can be a bit testy and anxious.

When it comes to self-care, Cancers are easy to please, depending on which side of them is ruling.

When a Cancer is feeling misunderstood or private, they simply need to escape to their safe place and spend time alone. Alternatively, when a Cancer feels the need for nurturing, some time with a beloved and trusted friend or partner is all they need.


Leos are people who are born between July 23 and Aug 22. They are born leaders and people follow them gladly due to their charisma and integrity.
While they are entirely self-assured, Leos do not make others feel inferior. They are incredibly kind and big-hearted. Therefore, Leos tend not to tolerate those who are mean-spirited or negative.

While Leos can come off as controlling, they never lose any friends over it. Leos are such amusing and enjoyable people to be around, no one ever seems to mind being told what to do.

Leos relish being the center of attention. When everyone is watching, that is when a Leo shines.

The most satisfying way for a Leo to be self-important is to be social. They should just go out and be social in whatever they desire for that day. Bring on the spotlights!


Virgos are born between August 23 and September 21 and are complex in character. While they are very analytical and infamous over-thinkers, Virgos also enjoy being spontaneous. However, in that spontaneity, there must be some semblance of order.

Contributing further to their diverse personality, Virgos can be both very humorous and very serious. They covet control in what others know and see about them, which leads to Virgos keeping much of their emotions hidden.

More than anything, Virgos need to be accepted, appreciated and understood.

The best way for a Vigo to implement self-importance is to find and be with a partner who truly understands them.

On the simpler side of things, Virgos get much satisfaction completing difficult games or puzzles. A Virgo would benefit from taking the time to do a simple brain game or play a video game every day.


Libras are those born between September 22 and October 20. They are commonly very attractive people, which is good because they also can be quite vain.

Despite occasionally come off as shallow, Libras are also charming and funny individuals. They love being social, as people gravitate to them.
Libras love being catered to and relaxed. They enjoy having things precisely when they want them, lending to the stigma of being impatient people.

Going to a salon or masseuse is a great way for Libras to exercise self-care. This can play into their propensity for looking good as well as being catered to. Libras can also find a lot of benefits in going to a spa.


Scorpios are born between October 21 and November 20 and are known as being powerful and controlling. They have a tendency to keep their issues bottled up until they come spilling out uncontrollably, which can cause unnecessary damage and drama.

While Scorpios are the “glass half empty” type, they do have a charming sense of humor and appreciation for life’s many ironies.

Scorpios are intense people with emotions that could be likened to a wildfire. Therefore, they love music and movies that speak to them and their substantial ability to feel.

The best thing for a Scorpio is being with someone they love, especially if that person helps them control their emotions. However, simply being able to listen to whatever music speaks to them is enough to tide a Scorpio over.


Those under the Sagittarius sign are born between November 21 and December 21. These people are philosophical by nature and lean on this characteristic to solve most issues in their life.

Sagittarians are optimistic and have busy minds, never wanting to sit idle. Due to their idealism, they can appear to be close-minded, often getting into arguments.

Sagittarians are the genuine explorers of the world. They love adventure and exploration. Equally, they detest being stuck inside.

Sagittarians looking for the best self-care should look to the outside world. They should strive to be outdoors as much as possible and fulfill their explorative spirit. Sagittarians should also pay attention to the Sagittarius daily horoscope.


Capricorns are born between December 22 and January 21 and tend to promote envy in others. They have a proclivity for being wealthy and successful, and it shows.

Capricorns embody patience and tenacity. They are very mature and have an extremely good grasp of responsibility. The downside to their drive and determination is that Capricorns are vulnerable to becoming demanding and controlling.

Capricorns enjoy exclusivity. If they have the ability to be the first or only person to have something, they will.

To realize self-importance, a Capricorn should look for the rare things in life. Since they are generally wealthy people, this shouldn’t pose too much of a problem.

Otherwise, a Capricorn should find ways of being recognized for their good work, as adequate acclaim can equally satisfy them.


Born between January 22 and February 18, Aquarians represent the thinkers of the world.

They are not only academically brilliant, but they’re also spiritually wise. They are somewhat more enlightened than others, turning away from judgment and towards introspection.

Aquarians enjoy reading and writing and are pacifists at heart. They make great efforts to steer clear from stress and confrontation.

Aquarians seeking self-care should look no further than within. They should spend at least 30 minutes a day in meditation or self-reflection.


Pisces are people born between February 19 and April 20. They are the artists of the world and are often mocked for being overly sensitive.

When Pisces find their passion, their incredible talent for what they do is evident. They are also compassionate and giving individuals.

As the sensitive type, however, Pisces are hyper-critical of themselves and susceptible to depression. This can lead to extreme forms of escapism such as substance abuse or obsessive video game playing.

For Pisces to feel their best, they need to be true to themselves and their passions. They should find time every day to be creative and express themselves.

Love Yourself and Be Self-Important So You Can Love Others

We have all heard it before. Before you can love others unconditionally, you must love yourself unconditionally.

Being self-important is more than just finding little ways to get through the day and be momentarily happy.

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