4 Dresses Styles to Avoid

A dress can be so comfortable! You put it on and forget about it. It is also beautiful and feminine. Men are more likely to pay attention to a woman in a dress than in trousers. However, there are several dress styles that are best avoided as they can distort your figure. You should not refuse these models but choose carefully.

A parachute dress

The trendiest dresses for this season are not for everyone. They can easily make you much larger, create irregular proportions, and visually shorten both legs and arms. There is no universal recipe for help: unless you try on several models at once (preferably from different companies) and critically evaluate your reflection in the mirror. Or ask someone to take a photo of you from a distance in this dress. Looking at the photo, you will understand whether it suits you or makes the figure look unattractive.

A slip dress

This trend is much less dangerous than the previous one. And yet, the cut of a slip dress needs to be judged especially meticulously. The danger is in the details.

Assess the chest stitches. Sometimes manufacturers leave soft cups that are not suitable for everyone. Sometimes the seams are made so roughly that they visually change the shape of breasts (and even shift the emphasis – from you to not the very best tailoring).

Look at the straps: it’s better if they have an adjustable length. Sometimes slip dresses can open the breasts too much, or, conversely, shift the focus to the shoulders.

A dress with large sleeves

Huge lantern sleeves and puffs came to us from the noughties (if you dig even further, they originate from the Victorian era). Everything is obvious here: there is a danger of visually enlarging the shoulders and making them too massive.

A low-waisted dress

Loose tiered dresses are the trend of this summer, and they can easily adjust the figure. Such “baggy” dresses can hide your belly or emphasize your fragility. But pay attention to the belt: the top tier should start no lower than your real waist. Otherwise, the silhouette will turn out to be wrong: you will visually shorten your legs and lengthen the body, making it bulky.

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