Preparing for the Big Day

Beautiful Woman on Her Big Day“She looks stunning”, you hear your friends and family whisper as you walk down the aisle. It is every girls dream to look drop-dead gorgeous on the day. Good nutrition and exercising is the way forward to reach your weight loss goal. Start with the following suggestions to prepare your body for the Big Day.

Weight Training

If you really want to optimise your program then pump it up with weight training. Sure, you can lose a few kilos simply by reducing your food intake and eating the right foods. However, to maximise your outcome and tone up at the same time adding strength training to an exercise routine will help you drop several dress sizes and help you keep it off for after the wedding.

Strength Training

Strength training helps to reduce body fat composition and increases muscle composition, which in turn helps burn calories while resting. Your dress size is smaller than through losing the same amount of weight by diet alone, as you will gain more muscle and lose more fat. A few extra brownie points are that it will also help with the prevention of osteoporosis later in life, help you get a good night’s sleep, boost your immune system and improve your posture – and that’s great for those wedding shots! 2 weight training sessions in addition to your cardio sessions will get you closer to your goal.

Diet, but Don’t Starve

If you are not eating enough your body will think it is in starvation, which has serious health concerns. Most crash diets break down muscles, making you think you have lost weight. However, when you start eating normal again, your muscles have been lost and you actually end up with more body fat than before, hence why strength training and a sensible balanced diet are crucial for maintenance of a healthy weight.

Really Healthy Diet Rules

Lose weight gradually. Give yourself 3 months at least. This will help you keep the weight off and give you time to learn new healthy habits and a healthy lifestyle. Fill yourself up with complex carbohydrates and wholegrain such as brown rice, wholegrain breads and wholemeal pasta.

White starchy high fat/high sugar snacks only keep you full for a short time and lack important nutrients.

The following tips will also be very useful.

  • Eat plenty of vegetables and fruit as they are full of vitamins and minerals and their bulk will fill you up more, minus the calories.
  • Make swaps for snacks such as air popped popcorn or a handful of almonds instead of chips, low fat dairy instead of full fat.
  • Drink plenty of water to eliminate toxins and boost your metabolism.

With these tips in place, no doubt you will be the most beautiful girl in the room!

About the Author

Australian Lifestyle & Fitness is an online weight loss company that provides its members with interactive Weight Loss programs. The program is based on a unique diet profile and your weight loss goals and food choices. Australian Lifestyle & Fitness believe that you can lose weight without losing your lifestyle. The program has been a smash hit in Australia, New Zealand and is now expanding into the US & UK. Visit weight loss for more information.

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