How to Get Rid of Belly Fat Forever?

The accumulation of belly fat is considered one of the most difficult problems to fix. The authors of the study investigating this issue, the experts from the US, came to the conclusion that fiber is the most effective fat fighter in this part of the body.


According to the publication in Food Consumer about the Wake Forest Baptist Medical Center’s project, the regular use of fiber is the best way to deal with a protruding belly. The scientists’ observations have confirmed the fact that the daily intake of fiber actually makes your stomach slimmer.

According to the authors of the study, to get the right amount of fiber you should regularly eat foods rich in this component – vegetables, fruits, beans, bran, and cereals.

The experts’ observations have shown that eating 10 grams of fiber a day completely removes excess fat from the belly area for 5 years.

At the same time, they emphasize that the effect of fiber is noticeable if the amount of fats and simple carbohydrates in the human diet does not exceed the norm. The authors of the work clarify that if one adds moderate exercise, the process will go much faster.

What is interesting about the whole story is that the scientists do not know for sure why the use of fiber is associated with the disappearance of subcutaneous fat. This pattern has been observed for a long time, but the science yet has to explain what physiological mechanisms are at the basis of it.

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