Laser Hair Removal Makes Kim Kardashian’s Face Perfect

The secret of Kim Kardashian’s impressive youthfulness is not only the skillfully chosen makeup, but also the unwanted hair removal. 10 % of women regularly go through the same procedure.


Kim Kardashian’s face has changed radically since 2006, when this girl started appearing in all media. Plastic surgeons claim that the celebrity has gone through laser hair removal from the top of the forehead. This is a relatively rare but very effective technique. But perhaps now Kim will have to use older technologies.

As stated by the Heat magazine, famous rapper Kanye West made​ a prenuptial marriage agreement with Kim Kardashian. One of the requirements is to abstain from any plastic surgery. The 36 -year-old musician forbade his 33-year-old bride any surgical procedures, including Botox injections, rhinoplasty or lip augmentation. Kanye’s mother died right on the operating table during one of these operations, and the rapper did not want it to happen again with another close person.

Such a requirement is a heavy blow for the celebrity, who has been trying to make her face perfect for years. Fortunately, one procedure will remain in Kim’s arsenal, because laser hair removal does not require a scalpel. Most experts do not doubt that Kim has gone through this procedure. She treated the forehead area to move back the hairline.

According to the plastic surgeon Asim Shahmalak, a professional in hair removal, Kim got rid of vellus on the forehead. According to him, this can be achieved by waxing (temporary effect) or laser (constant effect). And about 10% of women choose one or the other option in order to make the face look more charming and youthful.

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