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Diseases Treatment Tips, Health News, Home Remedies for Your Health

How to Avoid Picking up Foot Fungus

It is very easy to pick up foot fungus, also known as athlete's foot because we often walk barefoot on the beach, in swimming...

Melon Protects from Breast Cancer?

The extract of bitter melon, growing in the tropics, can help against breast cancer, according to researchers at the University of Colorado. This plant...

Cup of Expresso Hazardous For Heart

Drinking espresso to boost your energy? You have to be aware then that just one cup of espresso reduces the blood flow to your...

We Have 80 Ailments Every Year

British insurers estimated we have about 80 minor ailments every year, reports Daily Mail. Most frequent health complaints are common colds, cramps, headaches and...

Too Much Variety Leads To Depression and Selfishness

Never in the history has the mankind had such a diversity as we have today. This variety spans everything, from food choices, TV channels...

Barefoot Running Is Better Than Running in Shoes

Stop wasting your time on shopping for a pair of comfortable running shoes – running barefoot is better for you, according to a Glasgow...

Anorexia Is Linked to Refusal of Changes

American researchers have published a new report on anorexia in the journal The Psychological Science. According to the report, anorexia is not simply a...

Lipstick Harmful For Teeth

Researchers at the University of Sao Paulo have discovered lipsticks are bad for health. They found that a lot of lip products contain hard...

Third-Hand Smoke Hazards Revealed

Active and passive smoking is joined by a new health hazard, the so-called third-hand smoke, revealed by researchers at Lawrence Berkley National Laboratory, the...

Early Sexual Encounters Double Risk of Cervical Cancer

According to experts from the International Agency for Research on Cancer, one of the key reasons for high incidence of cervical cancer among women...

Fish Oil Slows Down Aging

International scientific community has heralded fish oil as "elixir of youth". Researchers from California State University discovered Omega-3 acids in fish slow down the...

Long Hours at the Computer is a Fatal Habit

A new study published in the British Journal of Sports Medicine warns that people who necessarily or voluntarily spend long hours in front of...