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The Latest News from Around the World

Men’s & Women’s Life Expectancy to Equal in 5 Years

The Britons predict the end of the era of "merry widows", during which the average life expectancy of women has been much higher than...

Wide-Faced Men More Successful

Wide-faced men are more prosperous in life, as the researchers have found out. And fertile women are drawn to such men, because they subconsciously...

10 Biggest Shopping Traps

We all go shopping and we all get into the traps that are literally placed throughout the store. We share 10 most common shopping...

Scientists Reveal How to Become More Attractive

According to a recent study, the skin tone plays a significant role in how attractive you are to the opposite sex. This statement has nothing...

Ovulation Makes Women Buy More

During ovulation, women make the largest number of purchases in stores. This conclusion was reached by American scientists from the University of Texas. US researchers...

Women’s Waists Have Expanded over the Last 12 Years

We are all aware that the past quarter of the century brought about a broadening of American waistline, but we could do with some...

Dark Chocolate Helps Eat Less

Scientists from the Copenhagen University (Denmark) believe that dark chocolate reduces cravings for "bad" foods. Not only is it rich in antioxidants, but it...

Dogs Can Recognize Oncological Diseases by Smell

Swedish scientists made a striking discovery – as it turns out, the four–footed pet is capable to detect ovarian carcinoma in his owner before...

Glossy Magazines and Men

Sexy women appearing in glossy magazines make men unhappy, according to scientists from the University of Missouri, US. It would seem that men should...

British Men Seek Chest Reduction Surgery

British men suddenly got very concerned with the appearance of their… chest. Over the past five years, the number of men seeking breast reduction...

Sunlight Boosts Men's Testosterone Levels

Exposure to the sun can boost not only vitamin D levels but also testosterone levels in men. Testosterone is responsible for the development and...

Shop For Shoes In the Evening and Wear Small Heel

Experts from the University of Oxford and the University of Liverpool have come up with some tips that can make your life easier and...