Job & Career

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Understanding the Retake Policy for Oracle Certification Exams

Nowadays women and men are equal on the labor market, there are hardly jobs where only women are employed. If you want to become a female programmer, which is still a rare thing, here's how.

Why Do Office Workers Get Tired?

Insufficient sleep and nutrient dlunch are not the main reasons, associated with the reduction in work performance during the day. The U.S. researchers have found...

Physically Active Employees Have Higher Salaries

Physical exercises are so healthful they support us in all spheres of life, in the professional one probably even more than in others. Workouts...

Cute Pet Pics Improve Work Performance

According to a recent study, pictures of cute kittens on the desktop do not distract from work, but help improve work performance.

Night Shift and Flexible Working Time Affect the Health

Those who work night shifts, as well as those who have a flexible working day should carefully consider their well-being. This is proved by the...

Dealing with Gossip at Work

If a person suffers from gossip in the workplace, or colleagues treat him bad, he or she feels ill at ease. The study at...

Companies Having Female Directors Are More Successful

A company can do nothing better than to take on a woman, the Credit Suisse Research Institute reveals. Their study shows that there is...

20 Things You Should Know at 20 to Become Successful

American writer and business coach Julian Smith gave practical advice to young people how to navigate in this world. In order to be successful...

Crying at Work Is OK, Says Facebook COO Sheryl Sandberg

Tears have their part in being a successful professional, is the expert opinion of Facebook COO Sheryl Sandberg. Delivering a speech to Harvard Business School...

Lunch-Beat Party: Dance at Lunchtime

Instead of schnitzel and French fries one can get electronic rhythms, and instead of distributing rack there is a DJ mixer. Some "white collars"...

Working in a Café Is More Efficient Than Office Work

A recent study explains why many of us like to sit in a cafe with a laptop. Indeed, we often manage to work more...

The Shorter the Name, the Easier It Is to Get the...

The easier it is to pronounce your name, the better your chances of finding a good job and making new friends are. The researchers from...